he UWSP Centennial event on September 21, 2002 will include a silent auction of things
donated and things from our historic costume and kitchen collection. This list and suggested minimum bids are subject
to change by the time of the auction. Proceeds from the auction will go toward creation of the Centennial Garden.
Minimum prices might change prior to the auction.
Personal and Miscellaneous Items as of February 1, 2002.
- Braided Rug 33x22. Shades of blue, made form new wool from Nova Scotia. Donated by Glenna Bushman. Min bid: $25.00
- Quilted table runner - Christmas theme, digital patchwork design. Donated by Rose Cobb, Class of 1961. Minimum bid: $25.00
- Packer color crocheted full sized afghan. Donated by Rose Cobb, Class of 1961. Minimum bid: $50.00
- One 8 1/2 " long hat pin with amber-looking round bead at the end. $10
- Small beaded purse 4 1/2 wide and 4" tall $85
- Large beaded purse with handle that is or looks like ivory. 8" wide and 10" tall. $100
- Black fan 9 1/4 " tall and 16" tip to tip. $20
- Needlepoint Purse, machine-loomed. Still in original box. Made in Italy. 6"x 3". $20
- Silver purse with silver chain. Opens to three small divided areas. Clasp broken. $30
- Handkerchiefs (3) white embroidered cotton; rose colored fluff; green cotton with unusual design. $5 each
- Handkerchief of very light peach material with lace edging and small embroider purple flower. $10
- Rhinestone clips (2) about 2"x2". $15
- Iridescent blue clip-on earrings. $10
- Pearl colored ball clip-on earrings $10
- Rhinestone pin, star design. $10
- Pin with pink, turquoise colored stones. $5
- Small barrette. Jeweler says it is hand carved decorated with blue hand-blown stones. Very old. Needs
two stones added. $15
- Elaborate metal pin with "cameo" of perhaps ivory on onyx on one of the chains descending from the pin. $36
- Very old necklace, metal chain with coral, blue and green stones. $25
- Feather hat from Brandeis & Sons, Omaha. Lovely shades of gold with touches of turquoise and red.
- Embroidered floral handkerchief 14"x13"
- Embroidered doilies (2) with candles and stars 15 1/2" x 10"
- Miniature Singer sewing machine $100
- Dinner provided by students and faculty in dietetics is $100
- Feather hat, gold with turquoise and red is $10.00
- Embroidered doilies with candles and stars $5.00
- Embroidered floral handkerchief is $5.00
- Handmade Topper, made by Budd Eagon, no minimum bid
- Handmade wooden bowl, made by Budd Eagon is $40.00
- Handmade wizard wands, made by Budd Eagon is $15.00
- Quilt four color lone star, handmade by Rose Cobb is $100.00
- Three watercolor paintings by Ethel Hill (Fall, Winter, Spring) No minimum bid yet